Business Tech

employee throwing trash on a recycle bin

Going Green and Digital: Tools and Technologies to Invest in for Your Business

The world of business has come a long way in terms of progress and development. But on the other side of the spectrum, we’ve witnessed how different companies and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across various industries have harmed the planet Earth. For this reason, sustainability in business has become such a buzzword in recent years. The idea […]

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VR Tech

Further Integration of Technology Leads to Business Advancement

Technology has become an essential part of people’s daily lives. Technology’s positive effects on how people live, do business, communicate, and even practice medicine is invaluable. It’s progressed to the point where the younger generation couldn’t even fathom life without the convenience technology provides them. Technological integration has also played a vital role in how

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robotic hand touching a computer keyboard

AI in Marketing: Businesses Using Tools to Create Digital Content

The use of artificial intelligence is growing wider. It is no longer just technology companies. AI is in almost every industry now, including in marketing. AI in Marketing One recent study revealed that, as of 2020, the global market for AI in advertising is valued at $12 billion. By 2028, it is expected to expand

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