How Technology Changed Parenting Over Time

a mother and child

Who knew that technology would change the way how parenting is done? Technological advancements have played a big role in so many aspects of everyone’s life. Whether be in studies, media consumption, or photography. Technology has changed a lot of ways people were accustomed to doing particular things.

As mentioned above, parenting is one of those life aspects that have been affected by technology. While parents have the option to be fully hands-on with their children today, it wasn’t the case before. Caring parents many years ago have no choice but to be very involved in honing their children. That was needed especially when the internet wasn’t there yet. Information wasn’t readily available for parents back then.

But today, a lot of parenting self-help guides can easily be accessed especially online. Thanks to the internet, parenting experts were able to share their knowledge. That’s just one of technology’s contributions to parenting. Here are some other ways technology has influenced parenting over time:

Gives information access to parents

Like what was discussed above, parents nowadays have more access to information. This information surely contributes to the efficient parenting most people with children need. One way this happens is through social media. We all know that people go to social media platforms mostly to connect with friends and family. But there are other uses of social media people are taking advantage of. One of these is acquiring information to develop their skills.

People can even join social media groups for a particular niche. Some of them are groups where members help each other with parenting. 82% of the American population are on social media according to a study. No wonder people flock to social media to connect with experts and talk about certain things. That’s why social media platforms have become very useful for parents who need advice on their parenting problems. It’s accessible and free.

Helps in monitoring children

We’ve seen how tech companies worked on technology that can help parents keep an eye on their children. There are now phones for children which parents can partially control. This way, parents would be able to permit or restrict some phone activities which may harm their children. Some smartwatches can help parents arrange their children’s schedules. They can also be used as tracking devices, so they would know where their children are. This utilizes the same technology used in GPS starter interrupt tools.

Speaking of that, some parents are also using devices to monitor their children’s driving. It’s useful for parents who let their children borrow their cars. This way, they’re able to prevent their children from getting involved in accidents. These are just a few ways technology is helping parents keep track of their children.

Aids parents in their child’s education

a woman using a sanitizer

Parents’ involvement in their children’s education is needed. While children spend most of their time in school, it’s still important that parents know if their children are learning. One way to do this is to get hands-on with their children’s academics. Parents may think that some subjects they may have a hard time understanding some topics taught to their children in school. But thanks to technology, the internet was invented.

A simple Google search can give parents sufficient resources on subject matters they want to know. That’s useful especially if their children needed their help with the topic for homework. There are also video tutorials and online encyclopedias available for parents as resources. Now, learning with children has become easier for parents.

Regulates children’s exposure to media

The media is known for influencing people on their perspectives and principles. But it’s the children who may be the most vulnerable to these media influences. You may have already seen how children can easily imitate what they have enjoyed watching on TV. Good thing, there are already ways of regulating a child’s media exposure. That’s courtesy of technological advancements. Now, there are apps dedicated to children. These apps could help filter content, so they can only show appropriate content to young users.

Assists parents in knowing their children’s passion

As a parent, one of your goals is to help your children achieve success. One way in achieving this is by helping your child find what their passion is. There may be times parents won’t be able to understand their children’s passion. This is where technology comes in and helps parents. The internet can explain what their children might be interested in. It helps parents know how to support their children with the interest they picked up. This way, parents would be knowledgeable enough to hone their children and provide needed tools for their child’s skills development.

Technological advancements have made parenting evolve into something useful. Pretty sure there’ll be more contributions technology would be able to offer to parents in the future. In the meantime, parents should know how to maximize these tools for better and more efficient parenting.

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