Further Integration of Technology Leads to Business Advancement

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Technology has become an essential part of people’s daily lives. Technology’s positive effects on how people live, do business, communicate, and even practice medicine is invaluable. It’s progressed to the point where the younger generation couldn’t even fathom life without the convenience technology provides them. Technological integration has also played a vital role in how people managed to survive the pandemic. Communications systems, electronic records, contact tracing, e-commerce avenues, and automation are just some examples of technology’s incredible contributions in varying fields of business. The push for digital transformation is certainly not a new concept. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has put these efforts into hyper speed.

Helping Businesses Grow

Technology that aids businesses in streamlining their business processes while also improving efficiency and productivity have helped keep revenues flowing even in these financially challenging times. While the concept of integration varies from sector to sector, what remains the same is the need for constantly evolving and creative business solutions. Technology has been the catalyst for innovation in countless fields. Further, it improves how small and big businesses manage their day-to-day operations. A stronger focus on digitalization can also be seen in most sectors. The global lockdown protocols that forced everyone to shelter in place for almost a year have shifted a healthy chunk of the market into participation in more and more online transactions. Here are a few technologies that have helped many industries:


One of the most prominent examples of how technology has propelled businesses forward is in the case of remote working solutions. When the pandemic was at its peak, companies shifted to working from home to prioritize their employee’s health. Naturally, the shift was a little bumpy at first as companies found their footing on the web. However, after overcoming the initial learning curve, many see that not only can they meet their productivity goals at the comfort of their homes, but they can still improve themselves.

Robust communications systems have allowed companies to maintain great products and services regardless of the workforce’s location. This can also be seen in how smaller businesses in the service industry have migrated to virtual meetings. Doctors, real estate agents, personal trainers, and financial advisers have all made significant strides in maintaining their goals for excellent customer experiences, both virtually and physically.



Online ordering and payment systems have been another significant development in the business landscape because of technology. Retail businesses during the pandemic shifted to more robust e-commerce platforms to continue to serve their consumers from the comfort of their own homes. Online websites that previously provided more information about the company and other more straightforward objectives have morphed into an excellent new revenue stream. Brands that once engaged third-party services for the logistics behind putting their products online and shipping them to consumers have developed dedicated platforms that offer the same service, if not better. The fashion industry was one of the first to move to primarily selling products online. Popular ready-to-wear fashion brands have had fast and easy-to-navigate websites for years before the pandemic. Grocery chains, in particular, pursued better e-commerce avenues to lessen the number of people in-store and limit the spread of the virus during the pandemic.


In recent years a brand’s online presence has grown to be more than just their company website. Social media platforms have played a significant role in how consumers receive and digest online advertising. Organic content, meaningful engagement, and customer feedback are critical factors in achieving a loyal customer base and increasing market share.

Advertisers who previously only took traditional avenues such as print media, billboards, radio, and TV commercials into consideration have now taken a step towards online advertising. Online social media advertising provides excellent insights into your consumers. It provides you with better analytics for each individual your ad reaches. These metrics weren’t as easily measured during the time of traditional advertising, resulting in a broader but weaker response to your ads. The utilization of social media also provides your brand with a means to communicate with your market organically.

Companies also look to public relations firms to curate authentic online content, proper brand tonality, and the correct message. On top of these strategies, these firms also develop various crisis management strategies to keep the brand relevant, users engaged, and avoid any mishaps. The comment section available on most social media platforms serves as an excellent way to take your market’s pulse. It offers quick responses to whether a campaign was received well or not and even allows brands to address customer concerns directly.

Companies in different business sectors continue to pursue further technological integration outside traditional automation and digitalization efforts. Technology simplifies and increases efficiency for some business model aspects and serves as an initial spark for further innovation. The possibilities technology brings to the table are endless and seem only to improve further as tech gets more sophisticated.

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